1. How to Eliminate Exterior Alligatoring?
Description: Patterned cracking in the surface of the paint film resembling the regular scales of an alligator. POSSIBLE CAUSES:
- Application of an extremely hard, rigid coating, like an alkyd enamel, over a more flexible coating, like a latex primer.
- Application of a top coat before the undercoat is dry. Natural aging of oil-based paints as temperatures fluctuate. The constant expansion and contraction results in a loss of paint film elasticity.
SOLUTION: Our painters will remove alligatoring by scraping and sanding; priming entire surface with high quality oil-based primer, then painting with a top quality exterior latex paint.
2. How to remove exterior cracking / flaking?
Description: The splitting of a dry paint film through at least one coat, which will lead to complete failure of the paint. Early on, the problem appears as hairline cracks; later, flaking of paint chips occurs. POSSIBLE CAUSES:
- Application of an extremely hard, rigid coating, like an alkyd enamel, over a more flexible coating, like a latex primer.
- Application of a top coat before the undercoat is dry. Natural aging of oil-based paints as temperatures fluctuate. The constant expansion and contraction results in a loss of paint film elasticity.
SOLUTION: Our painters will remove alligatoring by scraping and sanding; priming entire surface with high quality oil-based primer, then painting with a top quality exterior latex paint.
3. How to prevent exterior peeling?
Description: Loss of paint due to poor adhesion. Where there is a primer and top coat, or multiple coats of paint, peeling may involve some or all coats. POSSIBLE CAUSES:
- Excess moisture escaping through the exterior walls (more likely if paint is oil-based).
- Inadequate surface preparation.
- Painting over a dirty surface (wax, mildew, grease, chalk).
- Use of lower quality paint.
- Applying an oil-based paint over a wet surface.
- Earlier blistering of paint (see Blistering).
SOLUTION: Our painters will prepare surface by removing all loose paint with scraper and sand rough edges, and apply appropriate primer. Repaint with a top quality acrylic latex exterior paint for best adhesion and water resistance.
4. How to remove exterior wrinkling?
Description: A rough, crinkled paint surface occurring when paint forms a “skin.” POSSIBLE CAUSES:
- Paint applied too thickly (more likely when using alkyd or oil-based paints).
- Painting a hot surface or in very hot weather.
- Exposure of uncured paint to rain, dew, fog or high humidity levels.
- Applying top coat of paint to insufficiently dried first coat. Painting over contaminated surface (e.g., dirt or wax).
SOLUTION: Our painters will scrape and sand substrate to remove wrinkled coating. Primer all bare wood and repaint, applying an even coat of top quality exterior paint. Apply paints at the manufacturer’s recommended spread rate (two coats at the recommended spread rate are better than one thick coat). When painting during extremely hot, cool or damp weather, allow extra time for the paint to dry completely.
5. How to eliminate exterior mildew?
Description: Black, gray or brown areas of fungus growth on the surface of paint or caulk. POSSIBLE CAUSES:
- Forms most often on areas that tend to be damp, and receive little or no direct sunlight (walls with a northerly exposure and the underside of eaves are particularly vulnerable).
- Use of a lower quality paint, which may have an insufficient amount of mildewcide.
- Failure to prime bare wood before painting.
- Painting over a substrate or coating on which mildew has not been removed.
SOLUTION: Our painters will treat the mildew by applying a mixture of water and bleach, 3:1, and leave on for 20 minutes, applying more as it dries and rinse the area. Apply an exterior latex primer, then a top-of- the-line exterior latex paint.
6. How to remove exterior chalcking?
Description: Formation of fine powder on the surface of the paint film during weathering, which can cause color fading. Although some degree of chalking is a normal, desirable way for a paint film to wear, excessive film erosion can result from heavy chalking. POSSIBLE CAUSES:
- Use of a low-grade, highly pigmented paint.
- Use of an interior paint for an outdoor application.
SOLUTION: Our painters will remove the chalk residue using soap and power washing equipment. If noticeable chalk is still present, we will apply a quality oil-based (or comparable sealer for masonry), then repaint with a quality exterior coating; if little or no chalk remains and the old paint is sound, no priming is necessary.
7. How to remove exterior blistering?
Description: Bubbles resulting from localized loss of adhesion, and lifting of the paint film from the underlying surface. POSSIBLE CAUSES:
- Painting a warm surface in direct sunlight.
- Application of oil-based or alkyd paint over a damp or wet surface.
- Moisture escaping through the exterior walls (less likely with latex paint than with oil-based or alkyd paint).
- Exposure of latex paint film to dew, high humidity or rain shortly after paint has dried, especially if there was inadequate surface preparation.
- Our painters will remove the source of moisture by scraping, then sanding, repair loose caulking prime bare wood and repaint with a quality latex exterior paint.
8. How to prevent poor alkai resitence
Description: Color loss and overall deterioration of paint film on fresh masonry. POSSIBLE CAUSES:
- Oil-based paint or vinyl acrylic latex paint was applied to new masonry that has not cured for a full year. Fresh masonry is likely to contain lime which is very alkaline. Until the lime has a chance to react with carbon dioxide from the air, the alkalinity of the masonry remains so high that it can attack the integrity of the paint film.
SOLUTION: Allow masonry surfaces to cure for at least 30 days, and ideally for a full year, before painting. If this is not possible, our painters should apply a quality, alkali-resistance sealer or latex primer, followed by a top quality 100 percent acrylic latex exterior paint. The acrylic binder in these paints resists alkali attack.
9. How to remove surface leaching?
Description: Concentration of water-soluble ingredients on latex paint, creating a blotchy, sometimes glossy appearance, often with a tan or brownish cast. More likely with tinted paints than with white or factory-colored paints. POSSIBLE CAUSES:
- Painting in cool, humid conditions or just before they occur. The longer drying time allows the paint’s water-soluble ingredients – which would normally evaporate, or be leached out by rain or dew – to rise to the surface before paint thoroughly dries.
- Mist, dew or other moisture drying on the painted surface shortly after it has dried.
SOLUTION: Avoid painting in the late afternoon if cool, damp conditions are expected in the evening or overnight. If the problem occurs in the first day or so after the paint is applied, the water-soluble material can sometimes be rinsed off rather easily. Fortunately, even more stubborn cases will generally weather off in a month or so. Sufactant leaching should not affect the ultimate durability of the coating.
10. How to prevent paint incompatibly?
Description: Loss of adhesion where many old coats of alkyd or oil-based paint receive a latex top coat. POSSIBLE CAUSES:
- Use of water-based latex paint over more than three or four coats of old alkyd or oil-based paint may cause the old paint to “lift off” the substrate.
SOLUTION: Our painters will completely remove the existing paint and prepare the surface – cleaning, sanding and spot-priming where necessary – before repainting with a top quality latex exterior paint.